mental health · Parenthood

Parenting With A Personality Disorder

Okay technically two personality disorders. Here’s a picture of me and my son JJ, looks pretty normal right? I might look like a normal mother but according to most of the articles available online people like me don’t make good parents. Articles like this create a massive stigma around parents, specifically mothers, with borderline personality… Continue reading Parenting With A Personality Disorder

mental health · Parenthood · personal

The Borderline Breakup-A Rude Introduction To Single Motherhood.

It occurred to me I’ve been very quiet on this blog recently and it’s only fair to offer an explanation. JJ’s father and I have decided we are no longer going to be continuing our relationship. It sounds so clinical to put it like that but I don’t know what else I can say, I… Continue reading The Borderline Breakup-A Rude Introduction To Single Motherhood.